ASP.NET Core 2: Adding an Authorization Policy

In ASP.NET Core, an Authorization Policy is simply some code that says “Are you allowed to do something” In this rather contrived example, we’re going to only allow access to a Controller’s Action if a weather service indicates it’s raining. Why not 🙂

Step 1: Create a new solution that has some kind of authentication. Doesn’t matter what kind.

Authentication aspnet core.png

Step 2: Create a new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder extension class so we can add the Policy in our Startup.cs in step 3 next.

public static class WeatherAuthorizationPolicy
    public static string Name => "IsRaining";
    public static void Build(AuthorizationPolicyBuilder builder)
        builder.RequireAssertion(context => IsRaining(context.User));
    public static bool IsRaining(ClaimsPrincipal user)
        //Todo access a weather service here.
        //return GetWeatherForUser(user);
        return true;

Step 3: Add the Policy in your Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddAuthorization(options =>

Step 4: Add an Authorize attribute to an Action

public IActionResult RainInSpain()
    return View();

That’s it.


I would recommend creating a Authorize Attribute so that you don’t have the magic string “IsRaining” all over the place. Excluded for simplicity.

public class AuthorizeIsRaining : AuthorizeAttribute
    public AuthorizeIsRaining()
           :base(WeatherAuthorizationPolicy.Name) {}

You can also call this policy in code by using an injected IAuthorizationService:

public MyNiceController(IAuthorizationService  authorizationService)
    _authorizationService = authorizationService;
public async Task CheckRain()
    var result = await _authorizationService
                .AuthorizeAsync(User, WeatherAuthorizationPolicy.Name);
     if (result.Succeeded)
        { .... }


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